May 8th, 2017Star Athletica v. Varsity BrandsIn a decision that included some spirited inter-Justice banter (see what I did there?), the Supreme Court upheld the 6th…Read More
February 21st, 2017Disney et al v. VidAngelUPDATED Disney et al v. VidAngel, currently before the Central District Court of California, is a case to watch. VidAngel…Read More
October 10th, 2016Divided InfringementDivided Infringment by Brad Barger from Workman Nydegger Patents provide companies and inventors with an important asset that can be used…Read More
September 7th, 2016Rapid Litigation Management v. CellzdirectRapid Litigation Management - Workman Nydegger from Workman Nydegger Recently, the Federal Circuit held that a method for preparing hepatocytes…Read More